Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Evolution, yes or no? Like dur, post!

Check this statement out;

Did human beings, as we know them, develop from earlier species of animals?

I like to consider myself as an intelligent person. I don't know everything (but who does?) . I have thought deeply about those big life questions that have kept every person throughout history thinking.
This one seems easy to me but then I am not a religious man (not organised anyway). Call me stupid if you want.


They should rename the poll to "Does the earth go round the sun?" or "Am I human?"

Most of the sane people live in Iceland it seems (Iceland came 1st with 85 percent agreeing with the statement).

Well at least Britain came in 6th.

Now hold on to your hats people, this may come as a big surprise;
The U. S. had the second highest percentage who said the statement was false and the second-lowest percentage who said the statement was true. Only Turkey expressed more doubts on evolution.

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