Thursday, November 09, 2006

Zombie art post

This forum thread was brought to my attention by my ex-schmooe. Check it out, funny as, some of it. Some of it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
Zombie Chun-Li
Zombie Tomb Raider

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Orgasm day

December 22nd is Global Orgasm day, finally a day, along with talk like a pirate day, that I can relate too. ;)
Info Here.

Just need to make sure I get some quiet time on that day!
:( Sniff, sniff.

Not drinking post

I am not drinking drunken drinks for a while.

See below!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Better late than never post

T'was Andy T's bday, here is some pictures of the wrongness.
I just dont know what to say really.
Other than Happy Birthday Andy!!

I was shocked to find myself dead

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sad sprayers

Someone sprayed over this banksy, why for fucks sake!? The two coppers are covered in black.