Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Baby returns post

This baby, called Annabel, went missing early on Monday morning.

Until today this case looked like it was going to be filed under 'just one of those things' or 'oh no not another one'

"We searched high and low, even under the sofa" a friend of the mother was reported to have said.

But there was good news today for the family. Apart from slight dampening due to rain, the baby was found safe and well.

It is not known at this time how or why she was there but she had got stuck between a neighbours fence and some metal sheeting. This meant she was not easily visible, it took a random glance at an unusual angle to see her.

"I'm just glad she is in one piece, I mean she could have fallen apart at the seams." said someone.
Mother and daughter will be reunited tomorrow daytime.


The Paranoid Mod said...

I'd lose it again. It's clearly possessed by evil spirits or other Tories...

SystemAbuser said...

Jessica didn't even seem that bothered that I had found the damn thing!